
quarta-feira, julho 21, 2010

Marcha para Jesus?

Alguns trechos em inglês, do artigo da Christianity Today sobre a marcha para Jesus.



I disagree with the theology behind the March for Jesus, which is one of spiritual warfare and prosperity," said Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, chancellor of Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo. "The March for Jesus is [deemed] a prophetic act … a kind of territorial claim that allegedly destroys fortresses erected by the Enemy in areas where the march happens."

Lopes said it is a "monumental theological misconception" to believe that the march celebrates or promotes church unity. "If evangelicals want to impact our country," he said, "they should do so through lives that exhibit sanctity and ministries that do not cause scandals."


São Paulo's March for Jesus has amassed great national visibility, rivaling the city's 3.5-million-strong gay pride parade—one of the world's largest—held only days later. However, the march has not been as successful outside São Paulo. Rio de Janeiro, for example, has a higher percentage of believers than São Paulo, but lack of coordination among a revolving door of organizers has resulted in gatherings of fewer than 10,000 people.

This year's São Paulo march successfully displayed the strength of Brazilian evangelicals, who now make up 18 percent of the population, but was also dogged by controversy. Renascer is under investigation for tax evasion and misuse of donations. Hernandes and wife Sonia were convicted of entering the United States in 2007 without declaring $50,000 to customs authorities. A year later, the roof of the church's headquarters collapsed, leaving 9 dead and more than 100 wounded. Accused of negligence, Renascer still faces considerable civil and criminal actions.

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