
terça-feira, agosto 24, 2010


Select Sermons | Christian Classics Ethereal Library:

Sermão de Edwards pregado em Boston, em 8 de julho de 1731, baseado em 1Co 1:29-31

"1. What God aims at in the disposition of things in the affair of redemption, viz. that man should not glory in himself, but alone in God; That no flesh should glory in his presence, --that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
2. How this end is attained in the work of redemption, viz. by that absolute and immediate dependence which men have upon God in that work, for all their good. Inasmuch as,"

First, All the good that they have is in and through Christ; He is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Secondly, Another instance wherein our dependence on God for all our good appears, is this, That it is God that has given us Christ, that we might have these benefits through him; he of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, etc.

Thirdly, It is of him that we are in Christ Jesus, and come to have an interest in him, and so do receive those blessings which he is made unto us. It is God that gives us faith whereby we close with Christ.

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