
segunda-feira, setembro 13, 2010

Gregg A. Ten Elshof: I Told Me So: Self-Deception and the Christian Life

Um livro cristão sobre o auto-engano, um tema que era tão caro a Calvino. O livro coloca que o auto-engano é um fenômeno social, numa sociedade viciada em autenticidade e também, é um excelente amigo em tempos de necessisdade.

O livro auto-engano não é um livro de auto-ajuda, mas um guia que nos ajuda a encarar as verdades em nossa vida e o lugar da Verdade nela. (continua)

Self-deception is a major part of what defeats spiritual formation in Christ. In self-deception the individual or group refuses to acknowledge factors in their life of which they are dimly conscious, or even know to be the case, but are unprepared to deal with: to openly admit and take steps to change. As a result, those factors continue to govern their actions and shape their thoughts and emotions. (loc. 19-22)

Each of these beliefs offers me a certain kind of satisfaction. A discovery to the effect that I was in error about any of them would be pretty upsetting. If I discovered that the seeming depth of my friendships was a sham, I would be significantly disappointed.Loc. 109-10

The beliefs I have about myself and others do not need to be true to bring me satisfaction. I only need to believe them. Sustaining depth of friendship is hard work - as is growing in Christ

Loc. 114-15
The apostle Paul explains in his letter to the Galatians how self-deception enables those who are nothing to think that they are something (Galatians 6:3),Loc. 128-29
Aquinas picks up the theme and suggests that "ignorance is sometimes directly and intrinsically voluntary, as when one freely chooses to be ignorant so that he may sin more freely.Loc. 135-36
elevated authenticity to a place of primary importance in their understanding of the virtuesLoc. 167-68
Being true to oneself became a - or, in some cases, the - chief good. Self-deception, then, was given a promotion in the ranking of vices.Loc. 169
But my point is that the elevation of "authenticity" as a virtue carries with it a promotion for self-deception among the vices. So, to the degree that we value authenticity, we will be averse to the suggestion that we are self-deceived.Loc. 192-94
I'm convinced that I've got false beliefs, but each of my beliefs, when I consider it, seems true to me.Loc. 237

Rather than trying to work up behavior consistent with what we think we believe, we should be begging with the man who wanted desperately for Jesus to free his son from the demon that possessed him, "I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24).

Loc. 276-77

So the possibility of self-deception rears its head whenever there is a kind of felt pressure associated with believing something.Loc. 277-78
But with very few exceptions, no one has any trouble acting out their beliefs. You do act in accordance with your beliefs.

So believing what is false is not essential to having been a victim of deception. One might fall prey to deception and nevertheless believe whats true - perhaps by sheer luck!

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