
quinta-feira, outubro 07, 2010

Acessando Kant

Accessing Kant : A Relaxed Introduction to the Critique of Pure Reason (Jay F. Rosenberg)

the Transcendental Aesthetic is concerned with our knowledge of space and time, and the Transcendental Analytic with our knowledge of the law-governed natural world of causally interacting material substances.


He reifies the Ones, separates them from the Manys, and sets the Manys in relation to them: Many particular individuals participate in one real separate Form.


How could there be a relation of acquaintance between us and transcendent Forms?b theological Platonism rejects the possibility of such a relation at the price of making room for skeptical


Theological Platonism is a form of Conceptualism, roughly, the view that only particulars have formal being.


Sensory experience thus cannot yield genuine knowledge of concrete individuals, since this would require us to think qualities as specified ad infinitum, which we cannot do.


[The] representations of outer sense [i.e., of individual items determinately located in space] make up the proper material with which we occupy our mind. . . . bb (B67).


there can be no semantic difference between general and singular judgments. Every judgment represents the same connection among concepts, viz., the containment of its predicate concept(s) in its subject concept.


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