
sexta-feira, março 25, 2016

Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church (Cultural Renewal) (Collin Hansen)
- Seu marcador ou posição 782 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016 20:39:20

Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church (Cultural Renewal) (Collin Hansen)
- Seu destaque ou posição 841-846 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016 20:57:35

Unfortunately, when opposed by the world, we courageous Christians tend to succumb to pessimism. We defend the doctrines of grace without grace and confuse rejection of us with rejection of Jesus. But Jesus didn’t give up on his foolish disciples. He even forgave his murderers from the cross. And he didn’t give up on you and me in our sin. So pessimism doesn’t make us heroic. Courage that counts makes you faithful in whatever place and position God has given you. This courage makes you fervent in spirit, patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer as you serve the Lord with zeal, always rejoicing in his sure hope (Rom. 12:11–12). And the challenges we face in a changing world will weed out all but the fervent,
Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church (Cultural Renewal) (Collin Hansen)
- Seu destaque ou posição 949-951 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016 21:13:49

Courage cannot be separated from humility, grace, compassion, or love. Courage can look like John the Baptist denouncing Herod for taking his brother’s wife. And it can look like the Master kneeling to wash his disciples’ feet.
Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church (Cultural Renewal) (Collin Hansen)
- Seu destaque ou posição 952-956 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016 21:14:07

Genuine courage develops not only when we study the Bible and fight for truth but also when we pray, when we pass through the waters of baptism, when we take the Lord’s Supper, when we enjoy the fellowship of the body of Christ as a member of a local church. Courage, finally, is not so much something we do for God but something we humbly receive from him as a gift. And if it belongs to us as a gift, then it’s something God intends for us to share for the good of others.
Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church (Cultural Renewal) (Collin Hansen)
- Seu marcador ou posição 988 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016 21:19:37

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