
sexta-feira, março 25, 2016

James K A Smith : Thinking in Tongues

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 535-538 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 22:21:54

(1) an apologetic movement defending the “rights” of Christian philosophers to philosophize from out of their Christian commitments; (2) a related call to Christian philosophers to demonstrate more “autonomy” vis-à-vis the philosophical establishment and more “integrity” or “integrality” (p. 254) in their philosophizing; and (3) the need for Christian philosophy to display
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 619-619 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 22:52:30

my wager is that there are five key aspects of a pentecostal worldview that
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 621-621 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 22:52:39

A position of radical openness to God,
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 628-629 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 22:54:00

An “enchanted” theology of creation and culture that perceives the material creation as “charged” with the presence of the Spirit
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 631-632 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 22:54:12

A nondualistic affirmation of embodiment and materiality
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 635-635 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 22:54:26

Pentecostal theology is rooted in an affective, narrative epistemology.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 636-637 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 22:54:38

An eschatological orientation to mission and justice,
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 727 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 23:56:30

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 927-931 | Adicionado: domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015 09:49:51

So, to speak of a worldview is to speak about our most fundamental orientation to the world; a framework that operates even prior to thought; a passional orientation of our imagination that filters and explains our experience of the world. It operates unconsciously at the very core of our identity. But precisely because a worldview is not just a rational system or set of cognitive beliefs, we might also consider a couple of related terms as near synonyms, and try to hear this in our use of the term “worldview.” In particular, I find Charles Taylor’s notion of a “social imaginary” and Amos Yong’s account of the
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 927-932 | Adicionado: domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015 09:50:14

So, to speak of a worldview is to speak about our most fundamental orientation to the world; a framework that operates even prior to thought; a passional orientation of our imagination that filters and explains our experience of the world. It operates unconsciously at the very core of our identity. But precisely because a worldview is not just a rational system or set of cognitive beliefs, we might also consider a couple of related terms as near synonyms, and try to hear this in our use of the term “worldview.” In particular, I find Charles Taylor’s notion of a “social imaginary” and Amos Yong’s account of the “pneumatological imagination” to be rich ways of naming what I’m trying to get at here.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 934-936 | Adicionado: domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015 09:50:44

Heidegger distinguished between “knowledge” (Wissen) and “understanding” (Verstehen). “Knowledge” referred to the sort of standard picture of knowledge we usually assume — knowledge as justified true belief that traffics in objectified, propositional content.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 958-960 | Adicionado: domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015 09:53:14

In this framework, Yong continues, “thinking itself is a selectively valuational enterprise, beginning with the imagination and proceeding toward interpretation, theory, and the pursuit of responsibility.”
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 988-995 | Adicionado: domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015 09:57:18

In other words, I think the birth of the body of Christ at Pentecost represents that the church is properly — and therefore should be — pentecostal. To be Christian is to be charismatic.105 Authentic, radical, catholic Christianity is properly charismatic or pentecostal. Therefore, I would suggest that the elements of what I’m calling a distinctively “pentecostal worldview” ought to be the elements of a (catholic) Christian worldview. However, insofar as the broader Christian — and especially evangelical — imagination has been captivated by a cessationist assumption, a pentecostal worldview in practice is not synonymous with a more generally Christian worldview.106 But I think the fullest, most authentic expression of radical discipleship is a Christian faith that is both catholic and charismatic.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1031-1032 | Adicionado: domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015 11:14:23

That is why I think Pentecost is really about radical openness to God — especially an openness to a God who exceeds our horizons of expectation and comes unexpectedly.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 1060 | Adicionado: domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015 16:04:35

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1109-1111 | Adicionado: terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015 23:33:38

“The book of Acts is the best source that we have to demonstrate what normal church life is supposed to look like when the Holy Spirit is present and working in the church. Here we find a church that has passion for God, is willing to sacrifice — even to the point of martyrdom — and is a miracle-working church.”
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1144-1145 | Adicionado: terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015 23:39:38

This sense that all of creation — nature and culture — is charged with the presence of the Spirit is implicit in the prayers and practices of pentecostal spirituality.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 1176 | Adicionado: terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015 23:43:16

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1232-1233 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015 01:44:20

William Seymour found more “evidence” in racial reconciliation than glossolalia: “Seymour saw the breaking of the color line as a much surer sign than tongue-speaking of God’s blessing and of the Spirit’s
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 1233 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015 01:46:01

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1253-1256 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015 01:49:25

Thus rather than the convergence we so often witness between Pentecostalism and prosperity — between the “full gospel” and big business — we ought to expect a certain confluence between “Marx and the Holy Ghost.”147
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1405-1407 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015 13:14:23

What counts as “knowledge” is that which conforms to the calculable standards of logical operation. Or even worse, what counts as knowledge is only what can be reduced to “information” or data.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1616-1617 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015 23:58:24

Rather, narrative is a fundamental and irreducible mode of understanding — and “pentecostal knowledge” attested in testimony bears witness not only to the Spirit’s work but also to this epistemic reality.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1705-1706 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 10:03:24

Pentecostal worship is “experiential” because it assumes a holistic understanding of personhood and agency — that the essence of the human animal cannot be reduced to reason or the intellect.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1709-1710 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 10:03:54

In short, we feel our way around the world more than we think about it, before we think about it.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1783-1785 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 11:01:03

affectivity and emotion are central to pentecostal spirituality because they implicitly recognize that our being-in-the-world is primarily and for the most part “driven” at an unconscious, affective, predeliberative level.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1807-1809 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 11:03:52

Emotions are themselves “takes” on the world — irreducible, precognitive construals and interpretations that constitute the world for us in particular ways even before we “think” about it or “perceive”
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1812-1815 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 11:04:12

And if our emotions construe the world before and more often than our intellectual, cognitive perceptions, then the shape of our emotions makes our world most of the time — in which case, discipleship would be more a matter of training our emotions than of changing our minds. It is this intuition that I think is inchoately central in pentecostal worship and spirituality.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 1825 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 11:12:41

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 4612-4614 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 14:11:13

“Religious” films almost always reduce to propaganda; that is, they let the “facts” of a “message” or doctrine trump the imaginative, aesthetic aspect of the art. For a discussion of the tendency of “Christian” art to devolve to propaganda (shutting down “allusivity”),
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1940-1941 | Adicionado: sábado, 28 de novembro de 2015 14:16:57

In this way, pentecostal filmmaking might be an analogue of pentecostal worship: a space in which God’s Spirit breaks in to fantastically give a foretaste of the coming kingdom.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 2138 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 01:27:30

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2227-2229 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 01:48:46

Lubac struggled to articulate a paradoxical phenomenon, namely, that nature is oriented to the supernatural and that this orientation to the supernatural is “natural” (i.e., constitutive of creaturehood
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2256-2257 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 01:51:30

The key here is that this dynamic, participatory ontology refuses the static ontologies that presume the autonomy of nature.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 2380 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 10:01:34

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2384-2386 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 10:02:14

on the one hand, religious themes and questions once again became legitimate topics for philosophical reflection; on the other hand, and perhaps more radically, a critique of the supposed neutrality and objectivity of philosophical reason opened the space for religious philosophy — that is, philosophical reflection undertaken from
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2388-2389 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 10:02:42

religion was reintroduced as a legitimate mainstream topic of consideration (objective genitive), and religion was admitted as a legitimate orienting perspective for philosophical research and reflection (subjective genitive).
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2392-2394 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 10:04:29

This developed into a more robust renewal of “philosophical theology” now exemplified in the work of Eleonore Stump, Marilyn Adams, Stephen Davis, Brian Hebblethwaite, Brian Leftow, and many others.287
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 2504 | Adicionado: domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015 10:26:45

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2667-2669 | Adicionado: segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015 01:04:10

I consider glossolalia in light of three contemporary modes of philosophical analysis of language: (1) phenomenology, engaging Husserl and Derrida in particular; (2) philosophical hermeneutics, drawing on Heidegger and Gadamer; and (3) speech act theory in the wake of Austin and Searle.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 2720 | Adicionado: segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015 07:53:47

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 2792 | Adicionado: terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015 00:50:57

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2832-2837 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015 00:51:44

The cases suggested in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians are a little more complicated. On the one hand, Paul seems to chastise the Corinthians for tongues-speech that does not properly communicate meaning: “There are perhaps a great many kinds of languages in the world,” the apostle notes, “and no kind is without meaning. If then I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be to the one who speaks a barbarian, and the one who speaks will be a barbarian to me” (1 Cor. 14:10-11). This is why Paul requires that tongues-speech be accompanied by interpretation (or translation, 1 Cor. 14:13, 27). So here the goal of tongues-speech is communicative, in which case it again can be mapped onto Husserl’s schema.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 2877 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015 00:57:54

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 2883-2885 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015 01:00:01

the “linguistic turn”: the fundamental assertion (now the received position, as it were) that our being-in-the-world is fundamentally constituted by language, or at least by an interpretive mode.341
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 3006-3009 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015 10:39:33

the locutionary act, which involves the vocal utterance of phonemes and/or sentences; (2) the illocutionary act, which is what one intends to “get done” in the utterance (e.g., promising, commanding, asserting, etc.); and (3) the perlocutionary act, which refers to the effect of the utterance (and illocutionary act) on the hearer(s).
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 3067-3069 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015 10:47:23

One might say that such a prayer in such a context is a kind of sacramental practice of emptying, recognizing the failure of even language to measure up to such an exchange. Glossolalic prayer is a means of making oneself both receptive to and a conduit of the Spirit’s work.
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu marcador ou posição 3067 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015 10:48:11

B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 3120-3124 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015 02:31:45

This account could be substantiated historically (see, e.g., Steve Land and others on early Pentecostal community),377 but I want to consider this from a contemporary perspective enlisting some insights from the social sciences coupled with the critical theory of Herbert Marcuse and the neo-Marxism of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. What we will find, I suggest, is a certain confluence between “Marx and the Holy Ghost.”378
B004IZL4H6 EBOK (Smith, James K. A.)
- Seu destaque ou posição 3149-3152 | Adicionado: quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015 22:18:25

In other words, tongues-speech is a discourse that is symbolic of a deeper and broader desire to resist and call into question the existing economic and political structures. It is the language of a countercultural “exilic” community.387

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