
sexta-feira, março 25, 2016

The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 798-799 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016 10:19:11

Preachy self-righteousness says: “If you perform well (morally or spiritually), God will accept you.” But the gospel says, “God already accepts you because Jesus performed perfectly on your behalf.”
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 829-830 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016 22:12:22

“We can believe something to be true without it making much difference to us, but we place our faith only in something that is vital for the way we live.”
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 866-868 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016 22:18:59

The gospel is offensive to our self-righteousness. It lifts up a mirror to show us who we really are, which can be disturbing. But the gospel is also redemptive; it lifts up Christ to show us who we have and can become.
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 876-877 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016 22:20:10

When Christians press mute on the gospel, people are left to make up their own version of the good news.
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 885-886 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016 22:24:35

Good preaching doesn’t just show you your sins, it shows you a Savior, who absorbs your sins in his death and presents you to a holy God, cleaned up and new.
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu marcador ou posição 929 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2016 22:33:59

The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu marcador ou posição 1052 | Adicionado: sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2016 02:01:14

The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu marcador ou posição 1256 | Adicionado: sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2016 12:47:36

The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu marcador ou posição 1451 | Adicionado: domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2016 10:29:45

The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1534-1535 | Adicionado: segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2016 22:09:21

• Historical — Jesus’ true story of “death and resurrection” • Personal — Jesus’ defeating of sin and death for “even us” • Cosmic — Jesus’ overthrow of evil
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1642-1643 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016 18:02:46

The three-dimensional gospel not only changes what we believe (doctrinal) and how we live (personal), but also where we live (missional).
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1648-1649 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016 18:03:24

Spiritual – sharing a whole gospel • Social – redeeming social ills • Cultural – making great culture
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1695-1695 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016 18:07:09

“a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1711-1714 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016 18:10:24

The cosmic gospel includes the redemption of humanity (the personal dimension) within God’s larger agenda to redeem the whole world. As emissaries of Christ sent out into the world to announce the history-making news of the birth, life, death, resurrection, and return of Jesus, we must remember that this is news worth sharing. The gospel changes what we believe, who we are, and . . . where we live.
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu destaque ou posição 1774-1776 | Adicionado: quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016 18:17:23

He used agricultural imagery with villagers (Luke 13), legal imagery with lawyers (Luke 11:37 – 54), spiritual birth with law-keeping Pharisees (John 3:1 – 8),
The Unbelievable Gospel: Say Something Worth Believing (Jonathan K. Dodson)
- Seu marcador ou posição 2343 | Adicionado: sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2016 10:22:12

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