Ch 6- The Constant Adventure of Discovering God´s Will. ( A constante aventura de descobrir a vontade de Deus).
Romanos 12:2
"He asserts that as we experience our transformation by the Holy Spirit´s renewing our minds, we will be enabled thereby to examine and accept for our own lives what the will of God is. The NIV includes both of these options in its translation of the verb as "test and approve". (p.49)
"....because he created the shape into wich we are being transformed, he must know what is best for us. We will experience the Hillarity of true freedom only when we live according to the shape of our design" p. 50
If signs are added, they provide excellent confirmations of what God is already teaching us. However, signs are too flimsy and too easily misconstrued for them to bem the primary means by wich we choose what to believe about the will of God" p. 51
Just at the right moment when we need to know, we will know- provided we are opne to God´s action in our lives and his renewing of our minds. Then we can approve it for our own lives and live it out with confidence and Hilarity" p. 53
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